Chapter 6 Measures of Evaluation in Software Engineering
6.1 Effort estimation evaluation metrics
There are several measures typically used in software engineering. In particular for effort estimation, the following metrics are extensively used in addition or instead of statistical measures.
Mean of the Absolute Error (MAR): compute the absolute errors and take the mean
Geometric Mean of the Absolute Error (gMAR): more appropriate when the distribution is skewed
Mean Magnitude of the Relative Error (MMRE): this measure has been critisized many times as a biased measure (\(\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}{|{\hat{y}_i-y_i}|}/y_i}{n}\))
Median Magnitude of the Relative Error (MdMRE): using the median instead of the mean
Level of Prediction (\(Pred(l)\)) defined as the percentage of estimates that are within the percentage level \(l\) of the actual values. The level of prediction is typically set at 25% below and above the actual value and an estimation method is considered good if it gives a result of more than 75%.
Standardised Accuracy (SA) (proposed by Shepperd and MacDonnell): this measure overcomes all the problems of the MMRE. It is defined as the MAR relative to random guessing (\(SA=1-{\frac{MAR}{\overline{MAR}_{P_0}}\times100}\))
Random guessing: \(\overline{MAR}_{P_0}\) is defined as: predict a \(\hat{y}_t\) for the target case t by randomly sampling (with equal probability) over all the remaining n-1 cases and take \(\hat{y}_t=y_r\) where \(r\) is drawn randomly from \(1\) to \(n\) and \(r\neq t\).
Exact \(\overline{MAR}_{P_0}\): it is an improvement over \(\overline{MAR}_{P_0}\). For small datasets the “random guessing” can be computed exactly by iterating over all data points.
6.2 Evaluation of the Model in the Testing data
= function(x, na.rm=TRUE){
gm_mean exp(sum(log(x[x > 0]), na.rm=na.rm) / length(x))}
<- read.arff("./datasets/effortEstimation/china3AttSelectedAFPTrain.arff")
chinaTrain <- log(chinaTrain$AFP)
logchina_size <- log(chinaTrain$Effort)
logchina_effort <- lm(logchina_effort ~ logchina_size)
<- read.arff("./datasets/effortEstimation/china3AttSelectedAFPTest.arff")
chinaTest <- linmodel_logchina_train$coefficients[1]
b0 <- linmodel_logchina_train$coefficients[2]
b1 <- chinaTest$AFP
china_size_test <- chinaTest$Effort
actualEffort # predEffort <- exp(b0+b1*log(china_size_test)) wr
<- exp(b0)*china_size_test^b1
<- actualEffort - predEffort #error or residual
err <- abs(err)
ae hist(ae, main="Absolute Error in the China Test data")
<- mean(ae)
mar <- ae/actualEffort
mre <- mean(mre)
mmre <- median(mre)
mdmre <- gm_mean(ae)
gmar mar
## [1] 1867
## [1] 1.15
## [1] 0.551
## [1] 833
<- 0.25 #below and above (both)
level_pred <- actualEffort*(1-level_pred)
lowpred <- actualEffort*(1+level_pred)
uppred <- predEffort <= uppred & predEffort >= lowpred #pred is a vector with logical values
pred <- sum(pred)/length(pred)
Lpred Lpred
## [1] 0.186
6.3 Building a Linear Model on the Telecom1 dataset
- Although there are few data points we split the file into Train (2/3) and Test (1/3)
<- read.table("./datasets/effortEstimation/Telecom1.csv", sep=",",header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, dec = ".") #read data
<- floor(0.66*nrow(telecom1))
samplesize set.seed(012) # to make the partition reproducible
<- sample(seq_len(nrow(telecom1)), size = samplesize)
train_idx <- telecom1[train_idx, ]
telecom1_train <- telecom1[-train_idx, ]
# transformation of variables to log-log
<- log(telecom1_train$size)
xtrain <- log(telecom1_train$effort)
<- lm( ytrain ~ xtrain)
lmtelecom1 plot(xtrain, ytrain)
abline(lmtelecom1, lwd=2, col="blue")
<- lmtelecom1$coefficients[1]
b0_tel1 <- lmtelecom1$coefficients[2]
# calculate residuals and predicted values
<- signif(residuals(lmtelecom1), 5)
<- telecom1_test$size
xtest <- telecom1_test$effort
ytest # pre_tel1 <- exp(b0_tel1+b1_tel1*log(xtest))
<- exp(b0_tel1)*xtest^b1_tel1
pre_tel1 # plot distances between points and the regression line
plot(xtest, ytest)
curve(exp(b0_tel1+b1_tel1*log(x)), from=0, to=300, add=TRUE, col="blue", lwd=2)
segments(xtest, ytest, xtest, pre_tel1, col="red")
6.4 Building a Linear Model on the Telecom1 dataset with all observations
- Just to visualize results
<- telecom1$effort
effort_telecom1 <- telecom1$size
<- lm(effort_telecom1 ~ size_telecom1)
lmtelecom plot(size_telecom1, effort_telecom1)
abline(lmtelecom, lwd=3, col="blue")
# calculate residuals and predicted values
<- signif(residuals(lmtelecom), 5)
res <- predict(lmtelecom)
predicted # plot distances between points and the regression line
segments(size_telecom1, effort_telecom1, size_telecom1, predicted, col="red")
<- 0.25 #below and above (both)
level_pred <- effort_telecom1*(1-level_pred)
lowpred <- effort_telecom1*(1+level_pred)
uppred <- predicted <= uppred & predicted >= lowpred #pred is a vector with logical values
predict_inrange <- sum(predict_inrange)/length(predict_inrange)
Lpred Lpred
## [1] 0.444
#Visually plot lpred
segments(size_telecom1, lowpred, size_telecom1, uppred, col="red", lwd=3)
<- abs(effort_telecom1 - predicted)
err_telecom1 <- mean(err_telecom1)
mar_tel1 mar_tel1
## [1] 125
6.5 Standardised Accuracy Examples
6.5.1 Standardised Accuracy MARP0 using the China Test dataset
- Computing \(MARP_0\) in the China Test data
<- predEffort # This will be overwritten, no problem
estimEffChinaTest <- 9999
numruns <- rep(0, numruns)
randguessruns for (i in 1:numruns) {
for (j in 1:length(estimEffChinaTest)) {
<- sample(actualEffort[-j],1)}#replacement with random guessingt
estimEffChinaTest[j] <- mean(abs(estimEffChinaTest-actualEffort))
} <- mean(randguessruns)
marp0Chinatest marp0Chinatest
## [1] 3949
hist(randguessruns, main="MARP0 distribution of the China dataset")
= (1- mar/marp0Chinatest)*100
saChina saChina
## [1] 52.7
6.5.2 Standardised Accuracy. MARP0 using the Telecom1 dataset
- Computing \(MARP_0\)
<- read.table("./datasets/effortEstimation/Telecom1.csv", sep=",",header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, dec = ".") #read data
telecom1 #par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#size <- telecom1[1]$size not needed now
<- telecom1[2]$effort
actualEffTelecom1 <- telecom1[3]$EstTotal # this will be overwritten
estimEffTelecom1 <- 9999
numruns <- rep(0, numruns)
randguessruns for (i in 1:numruns) {
for (j in 1:length(estimEffTelecom1)) {
<- sample(actualEffTelecom1[-j],1)}#replacement with random guessingt
estimEffTelecom1[j] <- mean(abs(estimEffTelecom1-actualEffTelecom1))
} <- mean(randguessruns)
marp0telecom1 marp0telecom1
## [1] 271
hist(randguessruns, main="MARP0 distribution of the Telecom1 dataset")
<- (1- mar_tel1/marp0telecom1)*100
saTelecom1 saTelecom1
## [1] 53.9
6.6 Exact MARP0
Langdon et al(2016) provide a solution to calculate Shepperd and MacDonell’s \(MAR\)_{P_0}$ exactly. An R code implementation is as follows.
#example dataset
atkinson_actual_effort c(670,912,218,595,267,344,229,190,869,109,289,616,557,416,578,438)
<- function(x,y) abs(x-y)
#diffs is square array whose i,jth element = abs(actual_i - actual_j)
#in practice this is good enough but could be made more efficient by not
#explicitly storing the matrix and only using the values below the diagonal.
<- outer(atkinson_actual_effort,atkinson_actual_effort,myabs)
diffs <- mean(diffs)
marp0 marp0
## [1] 264
#### same procedure without using the outer function
act_effort c(670,912,218,595,267,344,229,190,869,109,289,616,557,416,578,438)
<- length(act_effort)
n <- matrix(nrow=n, ncol=n)
diffs_guess colnames(diffs_guess) <- act_effort
rownames(diffs_guess) <- act_effort
for (i in 1:n){
<- act_effort - act_effort[i]
<- abs(diffs_guess)
diffs_guess <- apply(diffs_guess, 2, mean)
means_per_point <- mean(means_per_point)
marp0 marp0
## [1] 264
6.7 Computing the bootstraped confidence interval of the mean for the Test observations of the China dataset:
## Attaching package: 'boot'
## The following object is masked from 'package:survival':
## aml
## The following object is masked from 'package:lattice':
## melanoma
## The following object is masked from 'package:sm':
## dogs
hist(ae, main="Absolute Errors of the China Test data")
<- 0.95
level_confidence <- 9999
repetitionsboot <- function(x, d){return(mean(x[d]))}
samplemean <- boot(ae, samplemean, R=repetitionsboot)
b_mean <- confint_mean_China
## Warning in bootstrap variances needed for studentized intervals
## Based on 9999 bootstrap replicates
## CALL :
## = b_mean)
## Intervals :
## Level Normal Basic
## 95% (1420, 2316 ) (1386, 2284 )
## Level Percentile BCa
## 95% (1450, 2348 ) (1496, 2419 )
## Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale
- Computing the bootstraped geometric mean
<- function(error_vec){
boot_geom_mean <- log(error_vec[error_vec > 0])
log_error <-log_error[is.finite(log_error)] #remove the -Inf value before calculating the mean, just in case
log_error <- function(x, d){return(mean(x[d]))}
samplemean <- boot(log_error, samplemean, R=repetitionsboot) # with package boot
b # this is a boot for the logs
}# BCAconfidence interval for the geometric mean
<- function(b){
BCAciboot4geommean <-, conf=level_confidence, type="bca")$bca #following 10.9 of Ugarte et al.'s book
conf_int 5] <- exp(conf_int[5]) # the boot was computed with log. Now take the measure back to its previous units
conf_int[4] <- exp(conf_int[4])
conf_int[return (conf_int)
}# this is a boot object
<- boot_geom_mean(ae) #"ae" is the absolute error in the China Test data
b_gm print(paste0("Geometric Mean of the China Test data: ", round(exp(b_gm$t0), digits=3)))
## [1] "Geometric Mean of the China Test data: 832.55"
<- BCAciboot4geommean(b_gm)
b_ci_gm print(paste0("Confidence Interval: ", round(b_ci_gm[4], digits=3), " - ", round(b_ci_gm[5], digits=3)))
## [1] "Confidence Interval: 679.439 - 1016.691"
# Make a % confidence interval bca
# BCAciboot <- function(b){
# conf_int <-, conf=level_confidence, type="bca")$bca #following 10.9 of Ugarte et al.'s book
# return (conf_int)
# }
6.8 Defect prediction evaluation metrics
In addition to the machine learning metrics for classification, Jiang et al. provide a survey (Jiang, Cukic, and Ma 2008).